Channel: Panda Games
Category: Gaming
Tags: theblackbeltpandafix item sorterfast item sortingminecraft item sorter tutorialeasy item sorterbest minecraft item sorterautomatic item sorter minecraftminecraft sorterfaster item sorterauto item sorter minecraft 1.16fast automatic sorterautomatic item sortertileable item sorterminecraft item sorterauto sorteritem sorterminecraft redstonehopper minecart item sorterfast item sorterbasic minecraft item sorteritem sorter minecraft
Description: This video shows you how you can drastically speed up your automatic item sorters by using hopper minecarts instead of hoppers. There are two different versions of faster item sorters in this tutorial that I'll show you how to build and you can easily use them in your item storage systems. Both versions can accept items 8x faster than hoppers normally can and both are tileable. The first item sorter is 2 blocks wide and outputs items to a storage chest 4x faster than a single hopper. The second item sorter is 1 block wide and outputs items to a storage chest at regular hopper speed. These item sorters rely on using hopper minecarts instead of hoppers. The hopper minecarts can grab items from a water stream above them and transport them much faster. I'll show you how you can manipulate their placement to transport from one hopper minecart to another vertically, and how you can output to 4 hoppers at once with a single hopper minecart. Neither of the item sorters use much redstone at all and are very similar in design to the typical automatic item sorters that have been in use for some time. These systems require you to insert items into the sorting system faster, so it's best to use them with droppers powered by observer clocks spitting items into a water stream. I recommend 2 or 3 droppers inserting items for the most stable operation. I also cover some tips and tricks at the end, including how to increase the buffer of the 1-wide item sorting system by placing two hopper minecarts on a single rail, so be sure to watch until then! SUBSCRIBE to get more awesome tutorials! ☯ Resource Packs: - iREDSTONE Default/Faithful ( - @Vanilla Tweaks ( - VanillaPBR ( ☯ Shaders: BSL ( Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 1:39 - Old Sorter Overview 4:08 - New Sorter Overview 7:27 - 2-Wide Sorter Tutorial 12:15 - 1-Wide Sorter Tutorial 14:18 - Increase Buffer Size 15:36 - Build Tips 17:02 - Water Transport Tips 19:18 - Outro Join this channel to get access to perks: #TheBlackBeltPanda #MinecraftTutorial #Redstone 🐼 ☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲☲ ☀Want to play on my server? Check out for server info! ☀My Twitter: ☀My Facebook: